Life of Christ (Positive Action for Christ) 

Prerequisite:  None

Eligibility:  9-12

To many people Christ is merely a historical fact, rather than a living, personal reality.  Jesus, the God-Man, is no more real to many than George Washington.  We know that Christ lived, and we know much about what He did; however, even we as Christians seldom experience His presence, as we should.  The purpose of The Life of Christ from the Gospel of John is to make Jesus Christ real to our students.  The objective is to further John’s stated purpose in John 20:30-31 to encourage in the lives of students a response to Christ.  Much is said in this study about customs, geography, and dates.  This study puts the student in Israel with Jesus during the years A.D. 26-30.  The study points out the seasons of the year, the time of day, and even the weather to help the students relive those exciting days when Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, walked the earth and ministered to the people in Israel.  We pray that as our students journey through this material that each student will not only know Jesus more, but love Him more.


Proverbs (Positive Action for Christ)

Prerequisite:  None

Eligibility:  9-12

Proverbs 14:27 says the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.  Just as a fountain has an origin, so do the principles of right living.  In this study, students are confronted with the origins of rules, conduct, and character.  From this fountainhead pours waters that provide nourishment and strength for life.  Proverbs:  The Fountain of Life leads through a multitude of lessons, teaching many invaluable principles.  Rather than being a verse-by-verse study, these lessons approach the Book of Proverbs topically in two major divisions:  wisdom defined and wisdom applied to daily living.


Change: Transforming Principles from the Beatitudes (Positive Action for Christ)

Prerequisite:  None

Eligibility:  9-12

This study is geared toward producing genuine internal changes in each student through an in-depth look at the attitudes highlighted by Christ in Matthew 5:1-10. The Beatitudes, the pearl of Scripture, are literally bursting with truth.  They set forth in an unsurpassed manner the inner state of the mind and heart. While studying The Beatitudes students study Scripture that is deeply spiritual, fundamentally doctrinal and essentially practical.


Developing a Biblical Worldview (Summit Ministries)

Prerequisite:  None

Eligibility:  12

This course uses as its text The Case for Christ and Understanding the Times.  Lee Stobel retraces his journey from skepticism to faith as he sifts through the truths of history, science, psychiatry, literature, and religion.  In Understanding the Time, students gain in understanding and knowledge of the six dominant worldviews in Western culture:  Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxist-Leninism, Cosmic Humanism and Postmodernism.  These worldviews include the beliefs about theology, philosophy, sociology, laws, politics, economics and history.  The student will learn how to understand and articulate a Biblical, Christian response to these conflicting views of life and the world.


Bible Worship

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and audition

Eligibility: 9-12

This course is designed for those students that have sought out to be used of God through the art of worship leading.  This is done, in this course, through the following means:  singing, playing an instrument, learning a trade within the technical media production and leading God’s people in worship.

To adequately prepare these students to lead, ultimately cfa Academy students, in weekly chapel worship through the means mentioned above.  This training will also help equip these students to lead and serve on their local church worship teams, college ministry groups and any future worship related endeavors they may seek.

Current Events

School Office Summer Hours-

Tuesday-Thursday 8:30am-3pm

Regular Office Hours Resume-August 11- 7:30am-4pm



June 27- School Supply Lists available on Sycamore


August 13- Teachers Return

August 16- Senior Pictures

August 18- Elementary Orientation

August 19- Middle/High School Orientation

August 21- First Day of School










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